Oliver Twist
القصة المقررة على الصف الأول الثانوي
إليكم تجميعه جميلة من ابداعات بعض معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية
لتسهل عليكم إستيعاب وفهم القصة المقررة
النص كاملا ومنسق word
مقتطفات من الملف !!
characters in the story
Oliver Twist/ an orphan born at the workhoue
Agnes / a young woman and Oliver's mother
Nurse Sally an old nurse at the workhouse
Mr Bumble /, an official from the workhouse
Mrs Mann a woman who looked after the young orphans from the workhouse
Mrs Corney (later Mrs Bumble) /matron of
the workhouse
Mr Sowerpercy , Oliver's employer?
Mrs Sowerberry , Mr Sowerberry's wife
Noah Claypole /, Mr Sowerberry's employee
Charlotte Claypole Noah's wife
Jack Dawkins or The Artful Qodger , a boy in Fagin's gang/house of thieves
Fagin I, leader of a gang/house of
Charlie /, a boy in Fagin's gang/house of thieves
Mr Brownlow, a kind gentleman
Mrs Bed win / I, a woman who looks
after Mr Brownlow's house
Mr Sikes, a thief and friend of
Nancy a young woman who works for Mr Sikes
Mr Grimwig a friend ofMr Brownlow's
Tobey Crackit / /, a thief
Barney a thief
Monks /, a mysterious man
Brittles a servant in Mrs Maylie's house
Mr Giles / /, a servant in Mrs Maylie's
Mrs Maylie /, a kind woman
Rose Mrs Maylie's niece
It was late at night in a town in England
during the Industrial Revolution. At this time, most English towns needed
people to work in the factories that were beginning to open all over the
country. Many people came to the towns to find work, but they were often so
poor that they could not buy enough to eat and they had nowhere to sleep. So
they went to the workhouses where at least they had a bed and some sort of food.
In one such workhouse, an old nurse and a doctor were working in a small, dark
room looking at a baby boy that had just been born. The baby found it difficult
to breathe. They did not know if he would live.
"What's the mother's name?" the
doctor asked the nurse.
"I don't know. She arrived at the
workhouse last night," said the nurse. "She was ill and weak when she
came." When the baby cried, the mother said weakly, "Can I see my new
1-When did this story happen\ take place?
In the nineteenth century
during the Industrial Revolution
2-Why did most English towns need people?
most English towns needed people to work in the factories that were
beginning to open all over the country
3- what was beginning to open all over the
the factories were beginning to open all over the country
4- How did the industrial revolution change
the face of town in England ?
most English towns had factories that were beginning to open all over
the country.
5- How did the industrial evolution change
the style of people’s lives?
A lot of factories were built all over the country. They needed
people. People moved from the country to towns to work there.
6- Why did people come to towns?
to find work
7- what were people’s lives like?
they were often so poor that they could not buy enough to eat and
they had nowhere to sleep.
8- People had miresable live during the
industrial revolution. Discuss
So they went to the workhouses where at least they had a bed and
some sort of food. they were often so poor that they could not buy enough to
eat and they had nowhere to sleep.
9- Where did people who work in factories
They live in workhouses.
10- What is a workhouse?
a place where very poor people could live and work
11-Why did people live in workhouses?
Because they were so poor that they couldn’t buy enough to eat and
they had nowhere to sleep.
12-What did people/ factory workers have at
the workhouse?
They had they had a bed and some sort of food.
People had a very hard life in the workhouses.
13-People had an inhumane life in the
workhouse. Discuss
They just had a bed and some sort of food. Many people share rooms.
14-what were the old nurse and the doctor
They were working in the workhouse in a small, dark room. They were
helping a woman at child birth.
15-Where was Oliver born?
In a workhouse.
16-How was the baby” Oliver when he was
He found it difficult to breathe
He found it difficult to breathe
مقتطفات من العمل :
Oliver Twist
Chapter I
It was late at night in a town in
The baby was called Oliver Twist. He
was sent to live with other orphans in an old house nearby. The orphans were
all the children of parents who had been destitute. A woman called Mrs Mann
was given a little money to look after the orphans, but she decided that she
needed some of this money for herself. For this reason, the boys never had
very much to eat. On his ninth birthday, Oliver was a small, weak child. He
had spent all his life in the old building with Mrs Mann, who was no kinder
to Oliver than she was to the other orphans. Oliver did not go to school and
he did not know the world outside.
| كان وقت متأخر من الليل في بلدة في انكلترا خلال الثورة الصناعية. في هذا الوقت، أكثر المدن الإنجليزية حاجة الناس للعمل في المصانع التي كانت بداية لفتح في جميع أنحاء البلاد. جاء كثير من الناس إلى المدن للبحث عن عمل، لكنهم كانوا في كثير من الأحيان سيئة إلى درجة أنهم لا يستطيعون شراء ما يكفي من الطعام وكان لديهم أي مكان للنوم. لذا ذهبوا إلى حيث إصلاحية على الأقل كان لديهم سرير ونوعا من الغذاء. في واحدة من هذا القبيل إصلاحية، ممرضة وطبيب القديمة كانوا يعملون في غرفة صغيرة مظلمة يشاهدون طفلا، التي كان قد ولدت. العثور على طفل صعوبة في التنفس. لم يكن أحد يعرف اذا كان يعيش. "ما هو اسم الأم؟" طلب الطبيب الممرضة. "أنا لا أعرف. وصلت إلى إصلاحية الليلة الماضية"، وقال للممرضة. "كانت حالة مرض وضعف عندما جاءت". قالت الأم عندما بكى الطفل، ضعيفة، "أستطيع أن أرى طفلي الجديد؟" اختار ممرضة يصل الصبي الصغير والأم رأيته للمرة الأولى. القبلات له بلطف أنها على خده وابتسم. ثم ماتت الأم. "امرأة فقيرة"، وقال للممرضة. "كانت جميلة جدا، ونحن لن نعرف من هي." كان يسمى الطفل أوليفر تويست. قال انه تم ارساله للعيش مع الأيتام أخرى في منزل قديم في مكان قريب. كانت جميع الأيتام الأطفال من الآباء والأمهات الذين كانوا معدمين. وقدمت السيدة مان امرأة تدعى القليل من المال لرعاية الأيتام، لكنها قررت أنها في حاجة الى بعض من هذه الأموال لنفسها. لهذا السبب، لم يكن الأولاد كثيرا لتناول الطعام. في عيد ميلاده التاسع، وكان أوليفر صغير، طفل ضعيف. كان قد قضى كل حياته في المبنى القديم مع السيدة مان، الذي كان لا طفا إلى أوليفر مما كانت للأيتام أخرى. لم أوليفر لا يذهبون إلى المدرسة وانه لا يعرف العالم الخارجي. |
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